Ring out the old and brace yourself for the new as the Strand On The Air welcomes the New Year with its Here We Go Again Special, Sunday December 31st at 5pm over WRFR and WRFR dot org. Join Liz McLeod and the Strand Family Players, Brittany Parker, and announcer Dan Bookham for an hour of new laughs and new tunes as All Things Rescinded brings you its foolproof predictions of what absolutely NOT to expect in 2024, and an exclusive interview with a genuine time traveler from 2124 who will give you hints of wonders and marvels yet to come. And down in Abysmal Point, Mrs. Grunden's latest future dream could put clams right in anyone's mailbox. Joining in the fun will be traditional holiday musical guests Patty Jackson and Rusty Blake with their old-time harmonies. The Strand On The Air, written and directed by Liz McLeod is a regular radio presentation of the Strand Theatre, and will be available following the broadcast on all popular podcast platforms and at rocklandstrand dot com!
WRFR-LP is one of the first Low Power community radio stations in the US. We have been broadcasting since 2002 and streaming since 2004. We are all volunteer, and cater to the local needs of Rockland, Maine and surrounding communities.