“It’s going to be huge” – That’s the word on the street when it comes to this Sunday’s (2/13)‘Built For Comfort’ (BFC) program (3-5pm). This particular show started out as a traditional ‘Valentine’s Day Show’ but was then deemed ‘too pretty’ for BFC standards. What about the listeners who dislike Cupid, or those fortunate enough to have partners who share in their ‘despise-al’ of the Hallmark holiday? So we added break-up songs and it magically became our ‘Valentine’s/Anti-Valentines’ show. Then covid hit the family, we had a quarantine Christmas and Festivus made sense like never before. So we added songs about disease, and quarantining, and some that just felt like blowing off steam. And with that, our show is what it has become - a meandering, groovy, pain free collage featuring Sonny and Cher, The Cure, Alanis Morrisette, Kenny Rogers and Amy Winehouse, that picks up steam with Nirvana, Oysterhead, and Motley Crue, building up to the epic 20 minute jam that is ‘What I Say’ by Miles Davis. It’s going to be huge.
WRFR-LP is one of the first Low Power community radio stations in the US. We have been broadcasting since 2002 and streaming since 2004. We are all volunteer, and cater to the local needs of Rockland, Maine and surrounding communities.