HALLOWEEN STRAND-ON-THE-AIR-A-THON over WRFR! Wrap your shroud, throw open your mausoleum door, and let in a gust of crisp October air as the Strand On The Air presents its Fun Size Halloween Special, Sunday October 30th at 5pm over WRFR and WRFR.org! Crypt Manager Liz McLeod and the Strand Family Players moan their way into your hearts once more with a spine-chilling tale of suspense from the darkest depths of Abysmal Point, as Gertie Crummet becomes convinced that Mrs. Grunden has finally reached her limit -- and has gone on a rampage of terror that will leave her the next victim! Meanwhile, the intrepid journalists of All Things Rescinded explore the scientific limits of human fear, investigate the desperate situation facing the candy-corn market, and turn their eyes to that most terrifying event of the season: the election! Brittany Parker will dish out the musical treats, and Professor Dan Bookham will unveil his latest poetic Halloween masterpiece. There'll be no escape for WRFR listeners -- this new broadcast will be repeated Monday Halloween afternoon at 2pm and Halloween night at 11 pm! And just to get you in the mood, WRFR will rebroadcast the 2020 Strand On The Air Halloween special Monday October 17th at 2pm, and the 2021 broadcast on Monday October 24th at 2pm! Pull your hair, rend your garments and bob for clams all this month -- with The Strand On The Air!
WRFR-LP is one of the first Low Power community radio stations in the US. We have been broadcasting since 2002 and streaming since 2004. We are all volunteer, and cater to the local needs of Rockland, Maine and surrounding communities.