Grab the hot dogs and the marshmallows, pack up the bug spray and the tick spoon, and head Up to Camp -- as the Strand On The Air presents its Summer Camp Edition, Sunday June 26th at 5pm over WRFR 93.3 and! Join Liz McLeod and the Strand Family Players, Brittany Parker, and Dan Bookham for an hour of laughs and tunes as we all try to escape the heat or the cold, depending on when this article sees print, duck the sunburn, and try to find a parking place. "All Things Rescinded" will explore the state of not-really-post-pandemic summer travel, consider the possibility of a super hero blockbuster summer flick that hasn't been done before, and will interview Almost The Last Living Person In America Without A Smartphone. And down in Abysmal Point, the woods are full of cuckoos, as Mrs. Grunden, Lilita, Gertie, and Edith, head for the tranquil algae-blooming waters of Sluice Lake. All this and the music of returning Strand On The Air favorites Patty Jackson and Rusty Blake -- coming to you Sunday June 26th over WRFR and WRFR.ORG!
WRFR-LP is one of the first Low Power community radio stations in the US. We have been broadcasting since 2002 and streaming since 2004. We are all volunteer, and cater to the local needs of Rockland, Maine and surrounding communities.