Since May 2014, The Flipside Show had a regular spot on Saturday evenings from 6:00 to 7:00 pm (and rebroadcasted on Sundays from 11:00 am to noon). For nearly eight years, hosts Spike and Shadow brought a wide mix to the WRFR airwaves... records, vintage radio broadcasts, interesting factoids, zany bantering, questionable commentaries, off-the-wall rants... But now the time has come to cut back a little bit. Spike has a bunch of health issues and Shadow has a less-than-forgiving work schedule. Therefore, short of going off the air completely, The Flipside Show is rescheduling. Instead of broadcasting every weekend, The Flipside Show will now broadcast once a month... more specifically, the THIRD weekend of each month. Spike (host) and Shadow (host, the sequel) would like to thank all the loyal listeners of The Flipside Show for tuning in each weekend since 2014, and hopes that the listeners will continue to tune in on the third weekend of each month.
WRFR-LP is one of the first Low Power community radio stations in the US. We have been broadcasting since 2002 and streaming since 2004. We are all volunteer, and cater to the local needs of Rockland, Maine and surrounding communities.